Are You Ready to Step Into Your Sovereignty?

Many women are feeling a strong desire to shift things in our lives in a profound way. It might have started out as a whisper or a nudge. But for many of us, it is starting to feel urgent and essential to become more empowered, more authentic, and sovereign. 

The word "sovereignty" is getting thrown around a lot lately in different contexts, and you may be wondering what it actually means…

What is Sovereignty?

Sovereignty is being grounded in self-worth and self-respect, listening to your body, and honoring your needs, limits, and values. 

Sovereignty is owning your personal power and no longer being beholden to or at the whim of the external world to your own detriment. 

It means being the expert and authority on what is right and best for you and setting the necessary boundaries accordingly. 

Sovereignty means pulling back from people-pleasing, over-giving, over-functioning, codependency, and emotional caretaking. 

It means prioritizing our inner peace and well-being without guilt or shame. 

It means no longer waiting for other people to change or for conditions to be perfect in order to be happy. 

Sovereignty means being in harmony and right-relationship with ourselves, our bodies, other people, and the world around us. 

As Women, We Want To…

  • Speak up more and set limits and boundaries that honor our humanity

  • Ask for what we need and want without guilt or shame

  • Honor our own needs and state them clearly and honestly

  • Have a more spacious, gentle, and loving relationship with ourselves

  • Stand our ground when needed and stop over-functioning for other people

  • Allow ourselves more pleasure, rest, play, and unstructured time

  • Trust that we can navigate any resulting backlash when we speak our truth

  • Allow other people to have their lessons and struggles without overstepping or trying to rescue them from their own lives

So What’s the Problem?

The problem is that when we start to make these shifts, our old conditioning and childhood messaging can get triggered and create fear, worry, and anxiety, causing us to pull back from making the changes we know we need to make.

The Resistance to Change From Old Conditioning Says Things Like…

  • It’s safer to be small, silent, subservient, and self-sacrificing.

  • It’s easier to just not rock the boat and let things play out as they always have.

  • It’s too much work to make a change and too scary.

  • The turbulence of change is not worth it; better to stay with the status quo.

  • People will abandon me if I start to speak up and set boundaries.

  • I'm being selfish when I voice my limits, needs, and boundaries.

  • My relationships will suffer if I start becoming more empowered. 

  • I will end up alone if I embody more confidence and own my value

This conditioning is a byproduct of the familial programming we internalized as children growing up in a patriarchal society that says females are “less than.”

And it’s also a result of whatever encouragement we felt from our mothers to be compliant with this conditioning as a means to secure love, safety, and belonging from her and those around us.

The Beliefs that Kept You Safe as a Child Hold You Back Now as a Woman

Understandably, as little girls and teenagers, we needed and depended on the external world for survival, sustenance, and emotional nourishment. And we had to adapt to the negative messaging and internalize it to fit into the world, our families, and our friend groups. 

But the very messages that we internalized in order to adapt to a dysfunctional family and to a harsh world growing up, become a massive barrier to us living as the empowered, conscious women we are longing to be at this time in history. 

The very things that helped us survive as children become huge barriers to our fulfillment and sovereignty as adult women. 

For many women, this tendency to equate safety with subservience, silence, and being self-sacrificing remains in place their entire lives, and they never get the chance to break the cycle and experience the sovereignty that their soul has longed for–that was their birthright. Perhaps you may have had women like this in your own family. 

Now is a powerful time in which women are waking up to the dysfunction that we have inherited both culturally and personally, and ready to break the cycle in big ways, to move beyond the “maternal horizon” and into more inner peace, empowerment, joy, fulfillment, pleasure and harmony in their lives. 

We Need to Feel Sovereign

And the World Needs More Sovereign Women

One of the most damaging false conclusions we come to as little girls growing up in a patriarchal world is that safety is found in subservience, meaning we are loved, admired, and supported the most when we are being small, silent, self-sacrificing, and not rocking the boat. 

For many, this is a very deep-seated, unconscious belief in the background, one we may not even be conscious of. We may have watched our mothers, grandmothers, and aunts embody this belief both overtly and covertly and internalized this mindset to be the safest route to being seen as good, accepted, lovable, and supported in life. 

So how do we step into more sovereignty in our lives?

As little girls, we may have been punished, humiliated, withdrawn from, or dismissed when we displayed sovereignty in moments, such as when we expressed independence, said no to something, disagreed with others or when we simply felt naturally confident and unashamed. 

Due to these past experiences, we may be holding fears about what could happen to us if we stepped into more sovereignty, empowerment, and unapologetic self-ownership. These fears are nothing to be ashamed of, as they are based on real, lived experiences of being painfully punished for expressions of our sovereignty in the past.

In a nutshell, sovereignty does not feel safe to the inner child due to her history of familial and cultural conditioning, and left unaddressed, this old conditioning causes the inner child to unconsciously sabotage our adult goals and needs. 

This is partly why we may shy away from expressing sovereignty as adult women, as the echoes of these past painful memories still live in our subconscious mind, causing the inner child to be fearful about any potential risk of repeating that pain. 

The Transformation Is Made by Making It Safe to Be Sovereign

The inner child is a living energy in us. And she needs help in making the transition from finding safety in subservience to finding safety in sovereignty. This clears the way for your true power as a woman to come into being.

How We Live From Our Sovereign Self

It begins with Inner Mothering

The way that transition takes place is through a process I call “inner mothering,” in which the inner child feels increasingly safe and supported from within by the adult self and gradually, through many micro-experiences, begins to trust that sovereignty is safe. 

The inner child needs loving attention and connection in order to make a correction to those false conclusions made in the earliest years of our lives, when survival was primary and we were dependent on the adults around us who may have encouraged or enforced an attitude of subservience in us as little girls. 

As a global expert on the healing the Mother Wound, I’ve put together a powerful Mini-Course to share with you a potent process to help you begin to cultivate an inner mothering practice that will help your inner child feel safer with sovereignty. 

When this happens over time, things shift positively in every area of your life. 

Are you ready to get started? 

In This Potent Mini-Course You Get

  • Core Content

    You get three hour-long recorded video lessons, including Q&A with me. You also get each video in audio format for easy listening.

  • Action Steps

    For each video session you get homework delivered via a powerful Workbook to guide your learning and transformation.

  • Bonuses

    Each session comes with a set of curated blog articles to complement it. You also get Bonus videos.

Session Content

Here's what I cover in each session.

Session 1: Understanding Subservience: How Patriarchy Has Distorted Our Sense Of Self

  • The 4 levels of the Mother Wound: How patriarchal values get passed from mother to daughter generation after generation.
  •  The intersection of family & culture: How our attachment needs merge with patriarchal values leading to internalized oppression. 
  • Why the Inner Child is the gatekeeper of our “upper limits.” 
  • The “Mother Gap” and how we compensate for it in our adult lives. 
  • Patriarchal Values and how we may be unwittingly compliant with them.
  •  A simple 4 - Step process to shift patriarchal patterns in our daily lives. 
  • Hear me answer questions on many related topics.

Session 2:  Why Inner Mothering Is How Women Can Dismantle Patriarchy

  • The Two Essential Parts of Inner Mothering.
  • The biggest manifestation of the Mother Wound that is rampant today.
  • What is “Inner Safety,” and how it leads to courageous action in the outer world.
  • What happens when we resist becoming fierce out of fear.
  • What the benefits are of Inner Mothering and how it transforms us as women and our collective future.
  • Hear me answer questions relating to many related topics.

Session 3: Stepping into SOVEREIGNTY: Birthing Our Female Power Requires Healing The Mother Wound

  • Why it’s crucial to deepen your commitment to your healing now.
  • The cost of NOT healing the Mother Wound to yourself, others, and the world.
  • The 7 steps to Healing the Mother Wound.
  • The Importance of community support and linking with other women who get it.
  • Handling conversations with family members as you transform.
  • Embracing your role as an inter-generational “change agent.”
  • Hear me answer questions relating to many related topics.

What’s In the Workbook?

⭐ A list of the principles of Patriarchy that show up in our culture.
⭐ A list of the principles of Sovereignty that you can start to embody.
⭐ Important mindsets of inner mothering to support you long-term.
⭐ Reflection questions to go with each lesson to help you evaluate your specific situation, leading you to insights, realizations, and emotional clarity.
⭐ A guided written process for each video that helps you understand more deeply how subservience was modeled in your childhood and understand why sovereignty can feel threatening.
⭐ Specific guidance on how to support the inner child and cultivate safety and trust that will help her to let go of subservience as a way to stay safe and open to sovereignty instead.
⭐ An empowering list of mantras of sovereignty and guidance on how to create an altar to sovereignty in your home.

This Mini-Course Is For You If

  • You find it hard to set boundaries and speak your truth consistently

  • You're seeing old patterns come up and want to shift them for good

  • You're increasingly aware of how patriarchy has impacted you and want support

  • Your relationship with your mother has been a source of pain and/or frustration

  • You feel challenged by what the situation in the world is bringing up for you

  • You want to step into an empowered approach to your life

Words About My Work

Bethany’s approach to inner-child work is so profound it will transform you.

– Joanna

Bethany’s approach to inner-child work is so profound it will transform you. It has enabled me to put down some of my pain and make peace with things I had no idea how to make peace with or understand.

Your work has transformed me.

– Donna

I can’t describe the impact discovering you and your work has had on my life. I also can’t thank you enough for all the work you have done to bring the Mother Wound to light. I am so grateful to have found you and your work. It has transformed me.

I feel truly liberated.

– J.Winfield

How do I feel now? I feel truly liberated. I have respectful and healthy boundaries with the parts of myself that can pressurize and overwhelm me. There is a deeper intimacy with my inner child, Little Jen.

Course curriculum

    1. Welcome to the Mini-Course!

    2. About Your Teacher - Bethany Webster

    1. How This Mini-Course is Structured

    2. Download the Workbook

    1. Core Content Video

    2. Core Content Audio

    3. Complementary Articles (Optional)

    1. Core Content Video

    2. Core Content Audio

    3. Complementary Articles (Optional)

    1. Core Content Video

    2. Core Content Audio

    3. Complementary Articles (Optional)

    1. ✨ Congratulations!✨

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Step Into Your Sovereignty

Through the Practice of Inner Mothering.

A note from Bethany

My name is Bethany Webster, and I am your teacher for this Mini-Course. As a writer, coach, and speaker, my work is focused on helping women to heal the “Mother Wound” and discover their Inner Mother.
I’m thrilled that you are interested in joining this online training. The truth is there’s nothing wrong with you. You are already and have always been whole, good, and worthy as you are. You are imperfect AND lovable. But as little girls, we incurred a split in us that turned us against ourselves from birth, and it’s time to heal it.
This training is about recovering a sense of personal authority, embodied ways of knowing, observations, intuition, and serving the higher truth that lives inside you, not any external institution or value system.
This is what I call Sovereignty. I so look forward to seeing you inside this training.